Monday 12 August 2013

Hey there

The past few days I have been feeling in one of those moods, where I am sick of doing things for everyone else and I just wanna do what I want, so I am. And I am writing to tell you what's been going on.

Just a quick note I am dyslexic so please ignore my grammer and spelling issues (as I really am too lazy to double check haha) I didn't find this out till end of 2nd year at uni. Let me take you back to my school years, all through school I wanted to be a writer for a magazine and even had dreams and even day dreamed about it. So it was only obvious I was going to take English Language for A Level, as I done great at GCSE, getting myself a B. Anyway they put me the "higher" set for this, which for some reason everyone was amazing and seemed to put zero effort into their work and got A's. Me, I put an unreal amount of work and managed to scrape D's. But although I did realise people are better at this than me I still didn't want to give up wanting to be a journalist (of some respect). It comes to gaining references for uni applications, and as you could probably guess I applied for 2 journalist and 1 psychology courses. So when I get my reference back (from one of my English teachers) she has circled the course and wrote "I think it's best if you change your course." Well I was heartbroken but instantly decided to take my psychology course. 3 years later, here I am. With a psychology degree, it's not I didn't want to do, I just feel being a psychologist might not be me. Don't get me wrong I love the subject and I am obviously going to use it with a career. But I feel it isn't me.

Like I said here I am, I am getting my (hopefully) creative writing out to all of you. If nothing comes out of this then I really won't mind at all as I want to do and I a deffo ain't going to listen to that horrible teacher no more.

So a little advice, don't listen to anyone telling you that you can't do it.
If you want to become a singer then be one. If you want to be famous for getting your boobs out, DO IT. If you want to sing or shout along to One Direction, don't be afraid SING YOUR HEART OUT! Don't think about what others may think of you. If you are happy then fuck them!

:) Abbie


(feeling better for getting that out now!)

happy singing to 1D.

Wrong direction

I should have introduced myself before the first post, as I now realise that some of you may have not read my old blog. With my old blog I tried to make it like a beauty blog, with nail art of course. Now as much as I still love new beauty products and will always love doing nail, I have decided to change direction with this blog. I was totally kidding myself thinking that I knew loads about beauty and beauty products, when in fact I really know little.

So here we are. A brand new blog (sort of) and I am not really going to give this blog a purpose or context, just going to "wing it.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Abbie, I am a newly graduate of Applied Pscyhology, so feel free to call me Abbie Bsc. I am 21 (whoop) I am kinda living with my boyfriend David (although I do have the occasional nights back home with mummy). Not really sure what else there is to say. I do try to follow fashion but if you like it and feel comfortable wearing it, then who should really care about if it's "fashionable." I do try to always be in a happy mood and LOVE laughing. Comedy is the best type of TV/DVD.

That's me (it's a little old but I love it. And that my friend Meg dressed like Keith Lemon)

I think that's the main things you need to know about me.


Also feel free to comment.



Thursday 8 August 2013

A Whole New World

Hi everyone

First I must apologise for the post title, I know it is totally cheesy, and as well for not posting on my old blog ( But ALOT happened during this time.

A big that happened was my graduation! I am now officially not a student (although my NUS card says otherwise till October hah), this saddens me very much. Being a student for my whole life and now it's over. But graduation, OMG it was amazing, the weather was beautiful (although a tad hot) everyone looked amazing in their dresses/suits, including my three close friends Philippa ( Lisa and Hannah. I am super proud of these girls, especially Hannah for looking hot in a dress. I must add as well, it looked like we were graduating from the Slytherin house (Harry Potter). I wish I could do it again, we were all really nervous and now we know there is nothing to be nervous about we all totally want to do it again. Final note, let me tell you about the choir that sang once presentations were over, they sang Green Days Time Of Your Life, and let me tell you it was Amazing, I tried my hardest not to shed a tear listening to it.

House Move. I'm not sure if I have already mentioned this to you, but the boyfriend has now moved into a really pretty house form the most vile flat ever. I love this house, it used to be an old sweets shop YUM. But anyway I have been really busy decorating and re-arranging, etc. I will admit we don't have that much money but I am managing to decorate the house for nearly next to nothing, and I shall be informing you all about how I done it. As well as adding some pictures of course!

2 new jobs. I now have 2 part time jobs to try and earn enough money to survive and its fair to say working two jobs isn't easy. I work for DCK Concessions, who are basically the jewellery company who supply shops such as Topshop, Miss Selfridge, Matalan and Wallis. Which is where my other job is, I will admit it's not exactly the places I want to be at right now, but I am positive good things will come to those who wait. Also luckly I got my Wallis job through my other job so they always work around each other but it just means I barely get a full day off and never get a Saturday off!!

I think that's pretty much it, odd little things but those are the BIG ONES!

Have you experienced any of these in the past few weeks?

Take Care

Abbie x